Happy elderhood has qualified nurses on board who provide Home nursing services. Attending to your medical needs at your home, thereby giving spotlight care and treatment is the generic phenomenon of this Home care nurse services.
If the hospital care is meant for observation only, then Home care nursing service is the best one to adapt, to avoid hospital stay and expenses. The service is available for both full-time and part-time and we have certified nurses, who attend your loved ones daily.
Home nursing services, over the years, have shown remarkable improvements in patients’ mental and physical health conditions. A sustained mental health condition that is offered by the home nursing services has helped the patients in their speedy recovery. Rather than being surrounded by that cold and sullen hospital surrounding this option serves better.
We provide home nursing care for the following
- Injury treatment and care
- Taking care of the medical needs of the elderly
- ICU care
- Post-surgical care
- Oxygen administration
- Suture removal and dressing
- Catheterization care
- Vital monitoring
- Diet and nutrition planning
- Time-to-time update of the patient’s health condition to the doctor
- Counseling for a better approach to their ailment
Home nursing care: Our approach
- Thorough understanding of the patient’s medical history.
- Medication administration as recommended by the doctor
- Time-to-time updating of patient’s medical condition with the doctor
- Self-care training to the patient
Benefits of Home nursing care
- A Caring companion.
- Reduced hospital expensesFamiliar surroundings.
- Personalized care
- Medication management.
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