The Foundation actively engages itself in various Campaigns and Events in order to espouse the cause of Elders welfare.

House call program

With the collapse of the joint family system, now it is becoming more are more difficult to care for the elderly at home.  The situation compounds if  the elder is sick and bedridden.  The immediate family finds it extremely difficult to transport the patient to a Geriatrician’s clinic.  It is not only difficult for the patient, it also strains the care takers.  Such a scenario puts tremendous pressure on the entire family fabric on a micro level.  In order to relieve the pains of all involved,  it is our endeavor  to take healthcare services to the doorsteps of the ailing elderly. 

To achieve seamless care across the length and breadth of the cities, the Foundation will strive to increase the number of Doctors who would  undertake house calls.  This will be achieved by drafting in Doctors from other medical branches to take up Geriatric house calls.  The Foundation will  regularly conduct CME (Continued Medical Education) programs, which will enable  Doctors  from other medical branches to see  Geriatric patients on primary care basis.

Our goal is to have a qualified Doctor attend every geriatric patient in need of medical attention at the comfort of their homes, no matter where they live.

Diet at Doorsteps

Another important consequence of the collapsed joint family system is elderly living alone.  This not only poses healthcare risks, it also jeopardizes the most  basic  of human survival – daily diet.  With failing physical strength and  coherence it becomes more and more difficult for an elder who is living alone to fend for himself/herself.

The Foundation seeks to do all it can do to address this important issue.  Few of the areas where the Foundation will involve itself are:

  1. Support and encourage those who are already providing this service
  2. Encourage more caterers/vendors to take to the program
  3. Involve local communities like Exnora, NSS to help with last mile deliveries which is a deterring pain-point for caterers/vendors